311’mc – Post 3 – Inspirational Mediums

The 1st medium I thought of when the idea for my final piece came up was, “Saving Private Ryan

 Saving Private Ryan opens with a 30-minute war scene that is without a doubt one of the finest half-hours ever on film. This sequence, a soldier’s-eye view of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, is amazing not only in terms of technique but in the depth of viewer reaction it uses. Spielberg doesnt hold anything back to the viewer of the horrors of battle, using every way he can to show the chaos and lives that were lost.

After fighting in the battle of Omaha beach D-Day, veteran Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) is sent on a WWII rescue mission, he is supposed to find paratrooper Private James Ryan (Matt Damon) and bring him home . Ryan’s three brothers have all been killed in action and the Army wants him returned to his family. The paratroops of the 82nd Airborne are scattered far and wide though, and finding Ryan proves far from easy.

The 2nd Medium was “Valkyrie

In Nazi Germany during World War II, as the tide turned in favor of The Allies, a cadre of senior German officers and politicians desperately plot to topple the Nazi regime before the nation is crushed in a near-inevitable defeat. To this end, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, an Army officer convinced he must save Germany from Hitler, is recruited to mastermind a real plan. To do so, he arranges for the internal emergency measure, Operation: Valkyrie, to be changed to enable his fellows to seize control of Berlin after the assassination of the Fuhrer. However, even as the plan is put into action, a combination of bad luck and human failings conspire on their own to create a tragedy that would prolong the greater one gripping Europe.

And finally a bit of a way off from the mainstream two before is this “A Soldiers War” produced by Staffordshire University, this is good but not quite the caliber to what I have planned.

~ by craigpowis21 on January 28, 2010.

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